Ecovac Services / Projects / Gasoline / SURFAC Projects /

Birmingham, Alabama

BP #24248

EcoVac Services Inc. performed two days of pilot testing, one day of surfactant injection and three capture events to remove SPH at this site. The aggregate SPH thickness was 3.60 feet present in four wells prior to the pilot testing.

Surfactant injection and capture was performed in October 2009. A total of 6,545 gallons of impacted groundwater and surfactant were removed in this process.

Confirmation gauging was performed by the consultant in January 2010 and results indicate no SPH in any of the wells onsite.  Reductions in dissolved phase BTEX constituents in groundwater sampling results were observed in wells that previously had SPH.

Project cost was less than $35,000 including disposal.

 BP #24255

EcoVac Services Inc. performed one day of pilot testing, one day of surfactant injection and four capture events to remove SPH at this site. The aggregate SPH thickness was 1.05 feet present in three wells prior to and after the pilot testing.

Surfactant injection and capture was performed in October 2009. A total of 5,056 gallons of impacted groundwater and surfactant were removed in this process.

Confirmation gauging was performed by the consultant in January 2010 and results indicate no SPH in any of the wells onsite. Reductions in dissolved phase BTEX constituents in groundwater sampling results were observed in wells that previously had SPH.

 Project cost was less than $39,000 including disposal.

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