Ecovac Services / Projects / Diesel Fuel /

Chicago, Illinois


High rise, upscale apartment building near Lake Michigan waterfront in Chicago, Illinois.


Dissolved BTEX plume above Illinois EPA Tier 2 objectives emanating from former gasoline and heating oil tanks.  Approximate size of plume was 30 feet by 45 feet, located under a constrained and busy location near the entrance to a residential parking garage.


Fine to coarse sand with some silt.


Groundwater at depths of 8 to 10 feet below ground surface.  Plume is fairly stationary and located approximately 300 feet from the shoreline of a harbor on Lake Michigan.


Three direct push injection events with RegenOx were conducted from May to November 2006.  6,400 gallons of RegenOx was injected at 40 DP locations during a total of 11 field days.  Groundwater total BTEX concentrations at a single source well increased after the injections (from 1.22 ppm in March 2006 to 10.72 ppm in January 2007)


Four EFR® events were conducted, two in June 2008 and two in August 2009.  A 4-inch recovery well was installed prior to the August 2009 events to provide better recovery from the source zone.  EFR® achieved decreases in BTEX at a cost far  less than the DP/RegenOx injections.   Client is applying for site closure, crediting EFR® for  having obtained cleanup levels.

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