Ecovac Services / Our Project History / |
Client: Environmental Consulting Firm
Type of Facility: Active Service Station
Location: Columbia, South Carolina
Two EFR® events were conducted at a dissolved phase site, achieving "monitoring only" status after a cost of only $6,540. The dissolved phase benzene concentrations in the downgradient wells were reduced to nondetect (ND) from 30 to 100 ppb. EFR® was conducted at the site after 11 p.m. to minimize interruption to facility operations. (sme)
Client: Environmental Consulting Firm
Type of Facility: Service Station (Independent Oil Company)
Location: Summerville, South Carolina
EcoVac Services was contacted to perform an "emergency response" action, prompted by a 1,000-gallon gasoline release near the tankfield. A 0.5 ft. layer of product was measured in three tankpit monitor wells. A 25 hour EFR® event was conducted at a total cost of $7,860 and removed over an estimated 700 equivalent gallons of gasoline. Free product was not detected during the following month and a second EFR® event was performed one month later to reduce dissolved phase petroleum hydrocarbons.
Client: Independent Oil Company
Type of Facility: Petroleum UST Site
Location: Ft. Wayne, Indiana
Free phase gasoline existed in one recovery well and two tank pit observation wells at a thickness of as much as 0.6 feet. Four 6-hour EFR® events were conducted at a cost of less than $10,000. Free product was no longer detected at the site 9 months following the final EFR® event. (e6147)
Client: Environmental Consulting Firm
Type of Facility: Service Station
Location: Brookhaven, Mississippi
A fixed remediation system had been installed at an active convenience store and had recovered only approximately 100 gallons of product over a 36 month period. Free product remained in the four monitor and recovery wells and approximately $200,000 was expended in capital, installation, and operation/maintenance costs. EFR® was performed at the facility and removed 60 equivalent gallons of product during the initial 6.5 hour event at a cost of approximately $3,500.
Client: National Environmental Consulting Firm
Type of Facility: Service Station
Location: Charlotte, North Carolina
Free product (0.5 feet of gasoline) existed in a single monitor well, which was screened in a clayey to sandy silt surficial aquifer. Free product was absent after two 8 hour EFR® events which were conducted at a total cost of $6,326. (c33004)
Client: Environmental Consulting Firm
Type of Facility: Service Station
Location: Bristol, Tennessee
A small amount of free product (i.e. 0.01 feet of gasoline) existed at a country convenience store. EFR® was conducted at two monitor wells during a single 8 hour EFR® event (approximate total cost of $3,200). Dissolved phase TPH-GRO was reduced from ~20 ppm to <10 ppm. (empe)
Client: Environmental Consulting Firm
Type of Facility: Former Grocery Store
Location: Decatur, Tennessee
A bank had taken a piece of property in lien of foreclosure that was subsequently found to contain elevated dissolved phase gasoline. The bank had spent hundreds of thousands of dollars in assessment and unsuccessful remedial efforts. Four EFR® events were conducted at a total cost of only $10,721. The dissolved phase concentrations were reduced dramatically and the site is currently awaiting closure.
Client: Environmental Consulting Firm
Type of Facility: Service Station
Location: Evans, Georgia
Thirteen EFR® events were performed at a cost of $47,392, removing an estimated 2,273 equivalent gallons of gasoline. SPH was reduced to 0.03 feet. The state regulatory agency directed the consultant to install a fixed system, at a capital cost of about $80,000 (excludes installation, design, and O&M costs). The fixed system failed in removing the SPH and EcoVac was called back out to the site to complete the clean up. (smile 111)
Client: Environmental Consulting Firm
Type of Facility: Former Service Station
Location: Chamblee, Georgia
Five EFR® events were conducted at a cost of $16,774. SPH was successfully removed from the site monitor wells, and dissolved phase concentrations also decreased. A total of 334 equivalent gallons (2,025 pounds) of vapor phase gasoline were removed from the site, of which only 1.95 pounds were emitted to the atmosphere following offgas treatment (i.e. a 99.9% destruction efficiency was achieved). (ppm-spur 1812)
Client: Environmental Consulting Firm
Type of Facility: Service Station
Location: Smithville, Tennessee
A thin layer of SPH (0.02 feet) was removed from this site after a single EFR® event conducted at a total cost of $2,597. (compliance-broad st)
Client: Environmental Consulting Firm
Type of Facility: Service Station
Location: LaVergne, Tennessee
Four EFR® events, conducted at a total cost of $11,157, were all that was required to remove all measurable SPH at this site. As much as 4.47 feet of SPH had previously existed in two monitor wells at this site. (compliance)
Client: Environmental Consulting Firm
Type of Facility: Service Station
Location: Sewanee, Tennessee
This site containing dissolved phase gasoline had been monitored and sampled for four years in an unsuccessful attempt at closing the site by natural alternation. Four EFR® events were performed at a cost of $10,200 which reduced dissolved benzene concentrations from 600 ppb to 70 ppb (the site specific standard was 200 ppb) and decreased TPH-GRO from 2.5 ppm to 0.3 ppm. (compliance)